Challenges/Tags/Fun Stuff

Share your world for week of October 16th


Cee’s Share Your World Challenge continues this week and I am excited to get to these questions so let’s go!

If you had to move to a country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? 

The answer is basically the same as always to this question: France.

The country’s background is rich in history and to be able to see the magnificent buildings up-close, to walk down that cobblestone street in Avignon, take pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, holiday in the French Riveria, get lost in the Palace of Versailles where my favorite King once lived, to watch a football match at the Parc des Princes, to eat in the oldest French city…

Image result for french gif

What color would you like your bedroom to be?

It is already in the color I want it to be: blue, my favorite.

Image result for blue gif

What makes you Happy? Make a list of things in your life that bring you joy.

So many things make me happy! I’ll just list the first six things that come to mind.

* His Word!

Waking up every morning to see another day.

* My family and friends. 

* Sunrises and sunsets.

* Pancake, macaroni pie, and tiramisu.

* You wonderful readers. 

Image result for gif happy tom cruise

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

This past week was a blur! It just went by so fast that I did not have the time to sit and write the articles that I wanted to work on for the blog. Things got pushed back and my writing stalled for just a little bit, but I am utmost grateful to have made it through the week. 

Image result for gif tom cruise sleeping

***GIFs and pictures via Google Search


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