Song Sunday 🎢🎷

Spend quality time with your children

Staying with songs that deal with or reflect on the parental relationship, here’s another one that can make your heart weep. In this song, the singer ponders over time spent with his little boy, which was next to nothing for work was more important. He missed the important milestones in his son’s life including his first words and when he first learned to walk.

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The dad was so busy that he couldn’t spare time to spend with his son. Eventually, his son grew up, became a man and had his own family, and what do you know? He wants to spend time with his son, but the son is too busy to even see him and thus, the singer muses that his son ended up becoming just like him. Some people think the last verse has nothing to do with the way the son grew up. Looking at it from another angle, I think the son grew up resenting his father for not spending enough time with him and he vowed not to be that kind of father when he has children of his own. But in doing so, he is in danger of ending up like his father, so the singer is right when he said his son became just like him.Β 

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This song can hit right in the feels. It’s a cautionary tale about spending time with your children and not taking it for granted, for before we know it, time flies, and no amount of money could ever buy it back.Β 

What I must say is genius though, is the usage of nursery rhymes during the chorus. The son is represented by “the cats in the cradle” (he’s at home) and the father is the “silver spoon” (he’s away making the money for the bills to be paid). The distance between the father and the son is analogized in “little boy blue and the man on the moon”.

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My son turned ten just the other day
He said, thanks for the ball, dad, come on let’s play
Can you teach me to throw, I said, not today
I got a lot to do, he said, that’s okay
And he walked away, but his smile never dimmed
It said, I’m gonna be like him, yeah
You know I’m gonna be like him

Parents are the first role models for children so be good ones for them to emulate. Also, quality time is very important.

***GIFs/Images that don’t belong to LPM are via Google Search (Right-click for original source)



Song Sunday 🎢🎷

Tell them you love them while they’re yet alive.

“The Living Years” by Mike + the Mechanics is one of those songs that always make me stop and reflect on all my relationships across the board especially the ones with my parents for we’re to honor and love them all the days of our lives (Exodus 20:12). This song has been on my heart lately. I first heard it when I was younger and it made me upset, angry, and sad for whatever reason. I guess I was going through emotions back then, but as an adult, I understand it better now.

This song explores regret when our parents have passed on and why we should have a relationship with them while they’re yet alive. We ought to listen and not just speak. Life is too short to harbor grudges, to point fingers and for misunderstandings. The song is full of so much love and so much regret that it’s super emotional, but not in an over the top way. The singer grieves his way through this song that it’s impossible for it to not tug at the heartstrings.

Don’t leave things unsaid. Let people know you care. Let them know you love them. Hold your loved ones a little longer. Kiss them and bless them. This song made me appreciate my loved ones even more than I could’ve understood back then.

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I wasn’t there that morning
When my Father passed away
I didn’t get to tell him
All the things I had to say

In relation to this topic, please see T.R.’s poem Dont let my death be the reason.

***GIFs/Images that don’t belong to LPM are via Google Search (Right-click for original source)


#amwriting ✍

“I love you, too.” πŸ’™

Very Short Story #29

“Would you be scared…” she stops, suddenly hesitating, meekly looking across the table at her coffee companion.

He implored her to go on with his ocean blue eyes. Gathering her courage, and pushing past the lump in her throat, she asks, “Would you be scared if I said that I love you?” She shut her eyes not wanting to see his reaction to her love confession. Because I do… love you, that is.Β Words tumbled and tossed and tangled around each other as they banged against her brain and knocked against her worried heart, but it came to a standstill when warm hands cupped hers.

The gesture gives her the courage to open her eyes, but not to still her wicked fears.

His hands returned to the large cup of java he was using to keep warm rather than to drink from it. The smile on his face was bright. It melted into pure happiness that she promised herself to move mountains if it meant framing the genuine expression on his face for all the lifetimes that they’ll spend together.

He was her moon.

“No,” he replied, blue eyes locked onto hers. “Because, I love you, too.”

All grammatical errors are mine.

*** Thanks for reading this super short. I’m slowly, but surely inching my way back to writing.Β 

***GIFs/Images that don’t belong to LPM are via Google Search (Right-click for original source)


The Community


Are we connected? Are fully submitted? Wonderful post to reflect on from Jonathan. Visit his blog to leave a like/comment and hit the follow button if you’re not following this awesome and selfless blogger as yet.

By the Mighty Mumford

Jesus Christ resurrected,

As first fruits…are you connected….

His Spirit within

Your faith invites in,

Submitting to Him as directed!


Jonathan Caswell

View original post

#amwriting ✍

Sometimes, you can’t go home.

Short Story #25

Jack Payet absentmindedly sat in the empty office amidst the clutter of reports strewn on the floor, twisting his wedding ring back and forth bruising the pale finger in the process. Things were not as they used to be and he found himself staying later at the office pretending to throw himself into his journalistic work so he’ll be the last person to leave.Β 

Until he stopped leaving altogether.Β 

His assistant editor had found him asleep on the couch twice with an overnight bag on the floor but didn’t have the gall to say anything. However, curiosity got the best of her the fifth time she found him chasing sleep away with a yawn as he struggled to get his jacket on to begin work for seven and without holding back, breached his privacy by remarking, β€œDon’t you go home anymore, Jack?” 

And before he could stop himself, words were tumbling out of his mouth. β€œSometimes, you can’t go home.” Before she could ask what he meant, words that he never shared with anyone since the mishap tumbled out in quick succession before he changed his mind about sharing.Β 

β€œThe comfy embrace of bed and sheets no longer welcomes me. Our bedroom feels… hallowed out as if it’s suffering from a terrible loss. I used to hang on to her words. Her breath was mine to take. I just can’t accept the fact that Denise won’t be coming back. Without her, home is never going to be the same again.Β 

β€œI simply cannot go back there now that it feels like a tomb… cold and empty.” 

He bows his head in silent respect for his loss and dusty brown hair flops into tired gray-green eyes hiding stories that were yet to be told.

Not knowing what to say for she was not expecting a grieving response to her rhetorical question, his assistant awkwardly asked if he’ll like a cup of coffee. He nodded, not willing himself to speak anymore.Β 

His heart ached painfully for his beloved.Β 

So he sat alone in the empty office twirling the ring around his finger as if willing his wife to come walking through the door, but it was all in vain.Β 

All grammatical errors are mine.

This short is part of a serial I’m currently working on titled “Sanctimonious”. Jack Payet is one of the main characters that is dealing with a huge loss as you can tell from the story. Did his wife leave him? Did he do something regrettable and is too late to fix it? Is his wife dead? Speculations. Speculations.

I’ll like to say more, but this is a story that my bestie (You guys know Tammy!) is reading whenever I update it and I don’t want to spoil much for her. Also, I simply wanted to write a little angst.Β 

***GIFs via Google Search

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