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Thankful Thursday: Blogger’s edition #3

I waited with bated breath as my sister shakes the bag, then puts her hand inside it and swish the pieces of paper around a little. Finally, she withdraws her hand and opens the piece of paper to reveal the blog that I’m grateful for today:

Pop in for a visit at Following Him Beside Still Waters

I love Grace and I am extremely happy to know this wonderful being. She is a woman after God’s heart and the beautiful name of her blog was inspired by Psalms 23. You can visit her About page to learn more about the woman behind the blog.

See Post!|About

Image result for gif still waters

Grace is multi-talented. She writes poems, stories, takes exceptional photos, fixes pipes, writes wonderful book reviews, maintains a garden, and she builds snowcats! Yes, I kid you not! She is really good with her hands. 😊

Read all about it!|Snow Cat

The fabulous Snow Cat via Grace

Grace is also a Criminal Minds and Spencer Reid fan and we spent quite some time talking about the show and the character two weeks or so ago. If you haven’t visit Grace today, pop in for one. I promise you that you won’t regret it. 💙

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