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Thankful Thursday: Blogger’s edition #5

I like numbering posts such as these and I don’t know why. 😆

Pop in for a visit at deontetowner

Today, I am grateful for Deonte’s blog.

I just caught up on his blog and he has realized his dream of publishing his first book all because God has guided his hands every step of the way. Make no mistake, there were times that he wanted to give up, but with God by his side, there was no stopping him. Learn more about him and his book in About.

Related Post| About

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via Tenor

But what I love about Deonte is how real he is especially when he talks about his faith and one can just feel his love for God in his posts. I was moved by how God worked in his family’s life when his father had a stroke and it’s a story that everyone should read. I thank God that his father is recovering well, thus proving the doctors wrong. 

Related Post| My father had a stroke update 6 months later

He is positive and uplifting and you won’t regret visiting his blog. His posts are relatable and they make you smile or reflect according to the mood. 

4 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: Blogger’s edition #5”

  1. So sweet, EM. Some days I’m tempted to call you Diana, but then that would ruin the history of me calling you EM. Anyway, very sweet post and I’m excited to hear Deonte is getting his first book published. I don’t even know him yet, but your post has me cheering and rooting him on!

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