Books & Reviews 📚

Book #90: No Excuses: Growing Up Deaf and Achieving My Super Bowl Dreams

Trailblazing Seattle Seahawks fullback Derrick Coleman Jr.—the first deaf athlete to play offense in the NFL—tells his inspirational journey of persevering through every obstacle, remaining dedicated to the hard work and a no-excuses attitude that ultimately earned him a Super Bowl victory. Great for readers of all ages.

Even at a young age, if anyone told Derrick Coleman what he couldn’t do, he’d just reply, “Watch me.” Diagnosed as hearing-impaired at age three, he faced a potentially limited future, but neither he nor his family were going to let that happen. Now Derrick shares the story of his remarkable journey toward NFL stardom, of the friends and colleagues who cheered him on when skeptics tried to chip away at his confidence, and of how every challenge he faced only strengthened his resolve.

At the heart of his story is his unconventional family, whose one constant was always love. When Derrick was misunderstood as “difficult,” or bullied and laughed at by schoolmates, he removed his hearing aids and listened instead to his mother’s advice: Never let anyone else tell you how far you can go.

Playing football became an outlet for Derrick’s restless energy and a way of proving he could forge his own path. As a senior at UCLA, he became a standout, an award-winning player who led his team with eleven touchdowns and demonstrated to the world what his heart had known all along: He had what it took to be a champion.

No Excuses is more than just Derrick Coleman’s story as a sports legend, inspirational role model, and icon. It’s a motivating and unique testament to the human spirit, to the potential inside everyone who has ever faced difficult obstacles. It’s about aiming high in life, giving it your all, and never ever settling for excuses.

“Life is too short to settle for excuses. If you settle for excuses, then you’ll always arrive at second best. Aim for your dreams, don’t doubt yourself, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re a failure, and put in the work.”

I love football, not soccer, therefore, I am not an NFL fan, but this book was recommended while I was searching for books on Lionel Messi for the library and I put it on the list. 

This review is going to be short.

Derrick Coleman Jr. made history by becoming the first legally deaf offensive player in the NFL. He has never let his hearing impairment set him back and at 27, he has already won a Super Bowl with the Seattle Hawks. Russell Wilson also plays for this team.

The book is easy to read given that it’s short and you don’t have to like soccer to read this young man’s life journey thus far.


The fact that the book had no pictures save for the two photos of Coleman as a youngster on the back cover. I think a few pictures would’ve been nice for it would’ve added that personal touch to scream ‘Memoir’!


^ The only person who can say no to you is God, and He wouldn’t put an opportunity in your sight if He didn’t know you could handle it. (pg 213)

^ When life hands you a setback, you don’t grovel. You don’t sink to a low level. You do what’s right and never forget who you are. (pg 121)

^ If you’re still mourning something that happened or didn’t happen years ago, then you’re going to miss out on all the great opportunities that God has placed right on your doorstep today. (pgs 55-56)

Image result for Derrick Coleman Jr. gif


The cover portrayed a serious and determined young man. 5/5.


One game.

That’s all I ever dreamed of playing.

One game in the NFL – and it couldn’t be a preseason game – it had to be one regular season NFL game. For years, my sole focus was making that dream a reality.


love coffeelove coffeelove coffee

13 thoughts on “Book #90: No Excuses: Growing Up Deaf and Achieving My Super Bowl Dreams”

    1. Thank you, Tammykins! Girl, the internet here sucks! I’ve been trying to read blogs and leave comments since this morning! Anyways, let me see if I can hop on your blog before it goes down agian.

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