Espresso Shots โ˜•

Out of a job… now what?

As the French say: C’est la vie!

Life is unpredictable. Sometimes, that’s the beauty of it. Sometimes, it’s not.ย 

Hmm, where do I start? I actually have no idea where to begin, but let’s rewind back to the summer of ’69. Nah, just joking… but I hope you caught the Bryan Adams’ reference! Let me rewind back to when I was jobless.

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When I left Secondary school, I went job hunting like everyone else. Back then, although there were lots of advertisements on the job market, an actual job was hard to get for someone like me who had just left school with future plans to attend a college in Atlanta. My resume was unpolished and on top of it, my family was in the middle of bankruptcy, so I had to forget about the college of my dreams. I recall going from interview to interview and even registering with two job agencies to no avail. It took a while, but then I registered with the On-the-Job Training Programme, and I was called within a month (?).

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I was placed with an upholstery company. OJT didn’t pay the trainees back then. What they did was place you within wherever they thought was fine even if it was at a KFC, and whatever the company decided to pay the trainee was not the ministry’s problem. My salary was $150 a week (*Le gasp!*). The employers were advantageous and it was during this time, I started to seek God… although it’ll take a few years later for me to actually seek Him 100%. Given that I was anemic and a headache sufferer of sorts, this place was toxic for me to stick around, so I left despite the fact that things were looking gloomy.

Now, memory is something I tend to leave in the sands of time whether good or bad, as I like to live in the moment, but I recall signing up with a marketing company for training. However, I left after the first training day after witnessing my trainer lying about the products he was peddling to an old lady. That was not my thing. I don’t care if that’s a way to make a living, it’s wrong to lie to people about what you’re selling. It took a while, but I eventually signed up with the MuST programme. I honestly didn’t want to do the programme for I did not want to be a part of the Hospitality Industry, but God had plans for me, and although those 6 months flew by pretty quickly, it was some of the best moments I’ve ever experienced as I was placed within a French bakery/restaurant. There weren’t French people working there, but whenever the well-dressed French bigwigs came through, it was lit! And if you’re a reader of this blog, you guys know how I love anything French!

Je t'aime (I Love You in French) :: Love ::

After this training experience, I grew to appreciate the hospitality industry, and I came to realize that this was where God wanted me to be as I had training to complete in different areas of my life, be it emotionally, financially, physically, or spiritually.ย 

Now, fast-forward.

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God placed me within one of the best institutions for tourism and hospitality allowing me to experience what it was like to work in an academic library. It was really the opportunity of a lifetime as I’ve always wanted to work in a library ever since I was little. I started out in the Student Services department, actually, and after the OJT contract came to an end, the HR manager at that time asked me to come in temporarily to work in the lab, but the library was short-staffed and the Librarian asked for me to hold on, on evenings… it eventually became permanent when I was offered to stay on and a contract and I know that this was all God’s doing.

However, things started going downhill from 2017 and it finally escalated last month which resulted in the institution permanently closing its doors. I’ll like to go in-depth, but this is not the place or time for it.

Tom Cruise quotes: wise famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Tom Cruise

The doors are closed temporarily. It’s not going to be closed forever, but I believe that closed doors give us the opportunity to grow. God closes doors to remind us that He is still in charge, to bring us (back) closer to Him, and to grow us in many areas. James 1 reminds us that patience is the key to growth.ย 

But let patience haveย herย perfect work,
that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

James 1:4

Tom Cruise Quotes That Will Take You To Another Level Of Success

Now what?

In a world where people are running scared of a pandemic instead of trusting in the Lord, and one in which the government has no money, I put my trust in the Lord. I’ve been at peace and calm throughout this situation because I decided to lean on and trust God, not man.ย 

I wait for theย Lord,ย my whole being waits,
ย ย ย ย and in his wordย I put my hope.

Psalm 130:5

I was blessed to be a part of such memories I’ll hold dear, for it was there I met my bestie Tammy, a meeting I’m eternally grateful for. I may not be able to see the future, but God can, and I know that He has my back. We may not see it now, but when God closes a door, He opens the one He desires you to enter.ย 

I’ve been working on this post since August, but for some reason, I couldn’t seem to sit down long enough to actually focus on completing it… as many other half-finished articles currently collecting dust in drafts. Also, also, I apologize for this being a little too lengthy, but it was the direction I was led to write in.ย 

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Life is unpredictable.
Sometimes, that's the beauty of it,
sometimes, it's not.
Espresso Shots โ˜•

Current reflections

Time stopped…

…and everything around me suddenly came to a grinding halt. In that moment, I stood still with the world. I was one with nature. I made a promise to myself to appreciate life more. To let go of toxic people and old habits.

Most of all, I promise myself to love life no matter where it may take me, and enjoy the adventures God has set up for me as I focus on His will and the reason why He placed me here.

I do my best reflections at the ocean where it’s most peaceful.

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Behind the lens! ๐Ÿ“ธ, Espresso Shots โ˜•

Introducing Jeremiah!

As the French say: C’est la vie!

We have a new addition to the family: a dumped kitten. To make a long story short, I don’t know how some people could be so cruel to helpless creatures. This kitten was dumped at the garbage site along with 4 other siblings that eventually died. This one was a fighter. Ma came across the box of squealing kittens when she was coming back from visiting a friend. She launched an inquiry shortly afterward and found out that the kittens were taken from a homeless mother cat, placed in a box, and left to die by the dump. We haven’t found the distraught mother, but it’s sickening to what people can resort to just because they dislike animals.ย 

My sister Denise eventually named him Jeremiah, and we also nicknamed him Jerry and Jeremy. He’s quite spoiled, and he enjoys sleeping in a pair of flats that I hardly use. I love watching him grow so beautifully, and he has the cutest little chocolaty paws and mesmerizing gray eyes.ย 

I wanted to share him for the longest while, but I wanted to wait and see how he’ll grow, and now, like a happy mom with pictures of her child stored on her phone for the sake of sharing, I can finally do so. He’ll be two months soon.

Everyone, say hello to Jeremiah!

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Espresso Shots โ˜•

He’s 57 so what’s my excuse? Here’s to trying new things!

Life, as they say. A little testimony thus far…

Here’s the thing: I like my box. I don’t see why I have to leave my box to embrace new things and change/adapt, if possible. But recently, I’ve been thinking about the box.

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Having a comfort zone is natural. Over the years, I’ve come to love and depend on that zone until I began to realize that there were MANY wonderful things to explore outside that zone. I took the plunge and did things I never thought I’ll enjoy, including participating in a work event. I honestly dislike participating in work-related events, but I enjoyed it. Yet, I felt as if something more was missing.

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A few months ago (give or take, October I believe), I visited an online paper that I haven’t read in a long time – the Daily Mail – and I came across a 57-year-old Tom Cruise paragliding in the French Alps. Back then when I used to follow TC, I knew he took classes all the time (guitar lessons, hip hop dance classes, etc.), even if it was not for a movie for he loves being a part of life, and he loves discovering new adventures. He doesn’t stoop low to humiliate himself for hallow praise on social media, and he has massive respect for his career and this great passion for life that extends outside the screen. While his movie stunts are impressive, his zeal for life is even more so.

Am I going somewhere with this? Yes, I am, for right then and there, it was when the realization hit me: I needed to be a part of life more. Why should I stay in the nice comfy box when God has so MANY exciting things waiting out there for me? I had to abandon my comfort zone.

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After praying about it, results started showing up in various forms. Things I would’ve said no to before, I said yes, and guess what? I am enjoying them all thanks to God. We always ask God to change our situations, but we need to allow Him to DO SO and it may start with little windows of opportunities that He presents to us. You have the option to say no of course, but we never know where a “yes” may lead to future-wise.

You just gotta trust God. He has a habit of stripping away the old and replacing it with the new in the very same spot you never thought would’ve worked.

So there ya go! I love learning and discovering new things, and with the new opportunities my Father has presented to me, I am now embracing life as He wants me to.

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Espresso Shots โ˜•

Goal for 2020: Putting God first! ๐Ÿฅ‡

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To seek God before I make that decision even if it’s a little one.ย  To make Jesus my #1 priority and King of my heart for He’s the reason why I’m even getting a chance at everlasting life. Trust the Holy Spirit for, without it, we’re lost, hopeless, and even depressed. To continue to pray for family, friends, foes, and for the nation. Repent daily if I have to. Love, for our Father, is the Author of love and if we abide in Him through Christ, we won’t find the time to hate and criticize.

To continue to do the will of my Creator.

No matter what I do for 2020, THIS is going to be my goal.

I pray that 2020 will be a year of BIGGER and BETTER things for you in Jesus’ precious Name.ย 

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Espresso Shots โ˜•

TGI Fridays: The Joshua Experience!

I don’t know why I take long to write these posts!

Friday 19, April 2019

Birthday lunch

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I’ve always wanted to go toย TGI Fridays on a Friday, so it’ll be more authentic and God made it happen this year… on a Friday as you can tell from the entry date. It was a blessed experience in the company of loved ones. The atmosphere was great, the menu terrific and if something wasn’t to our fancy on the menu, our host Joshua assured us that it’ll be made.

Joshua was part of our wonderful experience! He was warm, friendly, and everything a host should be in the hospitality industry. Although the food was super delicious, Joshua is the main reason we’ll be returning to the establishment.

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Here are some of the delicious food we enjoyed:

My sister Denisia kicked things off with this refreshing triple berry (strawberry, raspberry, & blackberry) smoothie.

Leiya & Denisia had the signature burger.ย 

My other sister Denise had this yummy pasta!

Tams & I had this deliciously loaded buffalo chicken fries topped with green onions and shaved celery. The bleu cheese was a yummy touch!

Denisia had the pineapple rum cheesecake for dessert.ย 

From another angle.ย 

Tams had a brownie covered in chocolate fudge sauce, caramel sauce, vanilla ice cream (yum!) and chopped nuts.

***All of these photos were taken by Leiya, our beautiful sister in Christ. She was adamant that she took as many photos as she could. I asked her permission to upload these photos and to also put the logo on them. There was also birthday ice cream, but that photo didn’t make the final cut.ย 

Espresso Shots โ˜•, Football โšฝ

July 15th: a special day! ๐Ÿ’™

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How have you been? I’ve been well and while things on my end are cooling down, I’m not sure if I’ll be returning to blogging full time as yet. Anyways, I’ll leave this for another time. I want to see how this week goes first. So, it’s July 15th and a very special day for me. ๐Ÿ˜„

Les Bleus

It’s exactly one year since Les Bleus won the prestigious World Cup. Going into that WC, France was not one of the most prepared team, but during the tournament, Didier Deschamps wentย from strength to strength with each game. Although France produces some of the world’s best players (ask the EPL and the La Liga), they were not outright favorites going into the tournament. Many were favoring Germany, Argentina, and even Portugal. Many fans rooted for Croatia in the final because society demands that we root for the underdog. What does that accomplish in football?ย 

Legend has it that I am still celebrating our victory… Okay, I’m not. I’m actually over it.ย 

Speaking of football, I am delighted that Antoine Griezmann is now a part of FC Barcelona! ๐ŸŽŠ With 5 French players on the team, FCB is slowly turning into FC Francelona! ๐Ÿ˜…

This season of football is going to be interesting and I look forward to what Griezmann is going to bring to his new team. ๐Ÿ˜„

Birthday Girl

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Another reason why July 15th is so special? It’s the day my best friend and little sis was born! You guys may know her as Tammy over onย Godinspiredart, but to me, she’s more than just Tammy. She’s a woman after God’s heart, a ray of sunshine, an inspiration, my best friend and little sister! She’s multi-talented and she uses them all for God’s glory.ย 

One day, I’ll tell you guys how God made us meet. ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Joyeux Anniversaire, mon amie! May you continue to chase after God’s heart and may He shower you with blessings and grace in Jesus’ Name. All the best on this special day as you celebrate the gift of life which was given by the King and may today be one of the most memorable of the year! ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŽ‚

โ€œBefore Iย formed you in the wombย I knew you;
Before you were born Iย sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.โ€

Jeremiah 1:5

Photo belongs to Tammy. She was gracious in letting me use it. ๐Ÿ’™

And since it’s the beginning of a bright and new week, happy Monday everyone!ย 

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Espresso Shots โ˜•

2018: a little look back ๐Ÿ‘€

It’s okay to look back at the past. Just don’t stare.

Benjamin Dover

Looking back at 2018 like…

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It went by in a whoosh, but it was a wonderful year for me despite some of the trials.ย If I had to sum up 2018 in one word, it will be “peace”.ย ย 

Peace came to me

I didn’t go looking for peace last year, but it was what I actually needed in my life and God granted it to me in many ways. This is something I’ve been open about last year on this platform. What does peace means to me? It means that I’m fully content and fulfilled. It means I feel light for my burdens I’ve laid at His feet. It means that despite what I’m going through or what I may go through, I have a God willing to fight for me.ย 

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Growing spiritually

This is a continuous cycle. I don’t have everything under control; that’s what I have God for. He’s the reason I wake up on mornings to face each day. Without His strength, I am nothing. There are multiple times when I fall short of His glory, but I go to Him and pour out my heart in prayer. Reading/studying/discovering His Word has left a great impression on me. There’ll be hard times for God never said the Christian life is all about comfort and laziness, but it’s through these moments, we learn that God is with us no matter what we face and it’s also when we become strong/er. He is our light in dark times.

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Most spectacular moment

Les Bleus lifting the World Cup of course! In 2014, I wrote a fictional Les Bleus story based on the Euro then, which we lost, but I did say that we were going to win the World Cup in 2018 at the end of that story and it gave solace to a Parisian football fan who was actually following the story. It took 4 years of waiting and one patient final, but it was worth it. It was lovely seeing France lift another cup after 20 years.ย 

Euro 2020 come on!

Learning Languages

Well, it’s no secret that I love the French language. I also love a few other languages including Italian, Japanese, and Greek. Last year, I set out to learn those languages, but my mind was not entirely focused and I was not making the time to learn anything foreign. At the moment, I am not bothered anymore in becoming fluent in another tongue. I’ll still learn here and there as I love learning how to say certain words and phrases in another language, but that’s about it.

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On Writing

I’ve experienced the highs and the lows of writing. It once consumed my life. Last year, I saw a dip in my writing and I lost interest up to a certain point. Every time I tried to explain to someone the new direction my writing is going in, they failed to understand. They couldn’t comprehend why I don’t want to work on a novel of sorts to gain a profit. I only write when I’m inspired to especially when I’m led to write for God in all things for His glory. Yes, God has given me the gift of writing although I’m not a wordsmithย and I don’t want to waste it writing books for profit. I’ll be going in depth on this topic later on.

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In short, despite the ups and downs, 2018 has been a blessing for me and I thank God tremendously. I also want to thank each and every one of you who have read, liked, followed, and shared your thoughts! I pray that 2019 would be/is a blessing and that you put Jesus in the center of everything. We have been given 12 new chapters and 365 chances to make 2019 memorable so take every opportunity to do just that.ย 

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***GIFs via Googleย 

Blog Related, Espresso Shots โ˜•

I’m back… for now

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Bonjour tout le monde, jโ€™espรจre que vous allez bien.

April 01st. This is when the new year officially begins for me.ย 

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It’s been a while and although I’m excited to catch up with you and your blogs, I don’t know where to start. It feels like I’ve been away for too long, but this break was necessary. I needed to spend more time in God’s company fasting and praying and seeking His will for my life.ย 

To be honest, I did not miss blogging, and today, this post could’ve easily been my goodbye note.ย But I would’ve left unfinished tasks behind, so I am back for now.ย 

I have lots of catching up to do, so before I proceed with updating posts, I’m going to have a look around and see how best I can get back into this blogging vibe. I may leave likes and not comments on your posts for time is limited at the moment.ย 

So once again…

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*GIFs via Google Search

Espresso Shots โ˜•

Body scrubs, lotions, and oils by Sadia Cosmetics

The packaging is so beautiful!

Image via Facebook

A few months ago, a friend of mine gave me a few body scrubs, lotion, and oil samples to try from Sadia Cosmetics. I admit that I was a little hesitant at first for I don’t use body scrubs and I’m a loyal servant to Bath & Body Works products.ย 

But I went on to try the samples and I ended up liking some of them.ย 

My favorite body scrub was theย Almond Biscotti Dead Sea Salt.ย 

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Dead Sea Salt contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, and potassium. It can help the skin in many ways such as enhance hydration, calm allergies and reduces puffy skin. It also helps in the fading of stretch marks. It was not rough on the skin and after I washed it off, my skin felt nice and smooth.ย 

I ended up using the oils (calming and energizing oils) to massage my hands and feet after a hard working day. I’ve never really used oils before and I find it very soothing.ย 

The lotions/body butter comes withย scrumptious scents such as Amaretto Cocoa and Peppermint Candy Cane. They’re longlasting and smells delicious!

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I think these products are decent and what’s nicer is that they’re made locally. Thank you again, Sabrina, for providing me with these samples. I’ll definitely be purchasing some items soon.ย 

For further information, see these social platforms:

