Song Sunday 🎢🎷

Songs of Peace #2: Let There Be Peace On Earth

This song was written by Jill Jackson-Miller and Sy Miller in 1955. Jackson-Miller was in a rough place in her life: she had been suicidal after the failure of a marriage. This song was written later on after she discovered the “life-saving joy of God’s peace and unconditional love.” (via Wikipedia). Although the song is played worldwide throughout the year, it was originally written for the International Children’s Choir.Β 

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I recall singing this song a lot during my primary school days when it was time for assembly. Back then, it didn’t mean anything to me; it was just a song we had to sing before heading to class.

Before we can be at peace with others, we need to be at peace with ourselves first.

If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.

Romans 12:18

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Let here be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be

With God as our Father
Brothers all are we

This version is sung by Vince Gill and his daughter.Β 

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Biblical Reflection

There is NOTHING like the peace of Christ!

God promises us that His peace “surpasses all understanding” if we only ask for it. No matter what struggle we’re going through, we can turn to God and seek His peace. If you’re tired, worried, or simply overwhelmed, find a quiet place to seek God. Talk to Him, pray, and worship Him in song. Meditate on peaceful verses such as:

Image result for john 16:33

Image result for psalm 29:11

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Image result for philippians 4:6-7

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Image result for isaiah 26:12

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When you know Jesus, you tend to know peace.

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May you always know the peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in your life and hearts.

***GIFs/Images that don’t belong to LPM are via Google Search (Right-click for original source)


Song Sunday 🎢🎷

Songs of Peace #1: Peace

From time to time I’ll be exploring music outside of the Gospel genre as I previously stated earlier in the year. There are songs that I love and songs that I’ll like to discuss if time permits. Today, I share a song that’s very dear to me:Β “Peace” by Depeche Mode. I talked about this song a few times on here and how it helped me on my journey of peace last year. It’s about letting go of the past, anger, hatred, etc. in order to allow peace to manifest within your being.

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I’m leaving bitterness behind
This time I’m cleaning up my mind
There is no space for the regrets
I will remember to forget

Peace will come to me

This song has brought so much peace to me over time! What song brings YOU peace?

***GIFs/Images that don’t belong to LPM are via Google Search (Right-click for original source)


Espresso Shots β˜•

2018: a little look back πŸ‘€

It’s okay to look back at the past. Just don’t stare.

Benjamin Dover

Looking back at 2018 like…

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It went by in a whoosh, but it was a wonderful year for me despite some of the trials.Β If I had to sum up 2018 in one word, it will be “peace”.Β Β 

Peace came to me

I didn’t go looking for peace last year, but it was what I actually needed in my life and God granted it to me in many ways. This is something I’ve been open about last year on this platform. What does peace means to me? It means that I’m fully content and fulfilled. It means I feel light for my burdens I’ve laid at His feet. It means that despite what I’m going through or what I may go through, I have a God willing to fight for me.Β 

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Growing spiritually

This is a continuous cycle. I don’t have everything under control; that’s what I have God for. He’s the reason I wake up on mornings to face each day. Without His strength, I am nothing. There are multiple times when I fall short of His glory, but I go to Him and pour out my heart in prayer. Reading/studying/discovering His Word has left a great impression on me. There’ll be hard times for God never said the Christian life is all about comfort and laziness, but it’s through these moments, we learn that God is with us no matter what we face and it’s also when we become strong/er. He is our light in dark times.

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Most spectacular moment

Les Bleus lifting the World Cup of course! In 2014, I wrote a fictional Les Bleus story based on the Euro then, which we lost, but I did say that we were going to win the World Cup in 2018 at the end of that story and it gave solace to a Parisian football fan who was actually following the story. It took 4 years of waiting and one patient final, but it was worth it. It was lovely seeing France lift another cup after 20 years.Β 

Euro 2020 come on!

Learning Languages

Well, it’s no secret that I love the French language. I also love a few other languages including Italian, Japanese, and Greek. Last year, I set out to learn those languages, but my mind was not entirely focused and I was not making the time to learn anything foreign. At the moment, I am not bothered anymore in becoming fluent in another tongue. I’ll still learn here and there as I love learning how to say certain words and phrases in another language, but that’s about it.

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On Writing

I’ve experienced the highs and the lows of writing. It once consumed my life. Last year, I saw a dip in my writing and I lost interest up to a certain point. Every time I tried to explain to someone the new direction my writing is going in, they failed to understand. They couldn’t comprehend why I don’t want to work on a novel of sorts to gain a profit. I only write when I’m inspired to especially when I’m led to write for God in all things for His glory. Yes, God has given me the gift of writing although I’m not a wordsmithΒ and I don’t want to waste it writing books for profit. I’ll be going in depth on this topic later on.

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In short, despite the ups and downs, 2018 has been a blessing for me and I thank God tremendously. I also want to thank each and every one of you who have read, liked, followed, and shared your thoughts! I pray that 2019 would be/is a blessing and that you put Jesus in the center of everything. We have been given 12 new chapters and 365 chances to make 2019 memorable so take every opportunity to do just that.Β 

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***GIFs via GoogleΒ 


C’est la fin de l’annΓ©e!

It’s the end of the year!

I’m currently looking back at 2018 and reflecting on my walk with God, and I am still surprised at how fast the time just flew by! However, I cannot complain about 2018, for it drew me closer to God in many ways. I was reminded that I can’t always have what I want on my time and peace was given to me in ways I couldn’t even begin to describe.Β 

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I also learned to let go of unimportant things that I was holding onto. I’ve also thought about revamping the blog, but that would most definitely come next year God’s willing.Β 


I’m taking a break from blogging this month… from this Wednesday God’s willing. During this time, I won’t be logging in at all. I plan to come back sometime in January or February God’s willing, so I’m going to take my jacket off…

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…and just relax and bask in God’s presence. I’m going to miss you, but we’ll reconcile soon. πŸ’™

Blessed dΓ©cembre to all and keep walking with Jesus.