Bible Activity/Discussion

Firsts in the Bible

While reading/studying/discussing the Bible, I love jotting down notes. The Bible is filled with wonderful treasures and I love discovering them one by one. A few firsts I’ve discovered are:

* The first city mentioned in the Bible was Enoch which was founded by Cain and named after his son. (Genesis 4:17)

* Abel was the first shepherd. (Genesis 4:2)

* The first priest mentioned in the Bible was Melchizedek. (Genesis 14:18) He also receivedย the first tithe.

* Cain committed the first murder when he killed his brother Abel, which also makes Abel the first person to die. (Genesis 4)

* The first marriage was between Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:21-24)

* The first twins recorded were Jacob and Esau. Their mother was Rebekah. (Genesis 25:24-26)

* Lamech was the first man to have two wives (Genesis 4:19)

* Deborah was the first and only female judge. (Judges 4:4)

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* First left-hander? Ehud. (Judges 3:15)

* David wrote the first letter; it was addressed to Joab. (2 Samuel 11:14)

* Sarah baked the first cake. (Genesis 18:6)

* The first person to be tied up? Isaac. (Genesis 22:9)

* Noah was the first person recorded as getting drunk. (Genesis 9:21)

* The first surgery? Well, I like to think that the first surgery was performed when God put Adam to sleep and remove one of his ribs to create his equal half, woman. (Genesis 2:21-22)

* The first surrogate? When Sarah couldn’t bear children and sheย told her husband Abraham to lay with their Egyptian handmaid Hagarย so Sarah can obtain children by her. (Genesis 16)

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* Green is the first color mentioned (Genesis 1:30).

* Stephen was the first martyr of the Christian church. (Acts 7)

* The first measure of weight used was Shekel. (Genesis 23:15)

* Physicians are first mentioned in Genesis 50:2 when Joseph embalmed his father in Egypt.

* First to use a pulpit? Ezra (Nehemiah 8:4)

* Shishak was the first king of Egypt to be called by name instead of Pharoah; he was also the only king of Egypt to be called by name. (1 Kings 11:40)

Do you disagree with some of these firsts? Any that you’ll like to share? Feel free to comment down below. God bless.

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13 thoughts on “Firsts in the Bible”

  1. Love it Dee! Great *first* post indeed lol! I’ve learned a lot from this although I had known about a few like Deborah, Sarah and Cain and well of course Adam n Eve so on so forth. God bless and keep you Xx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Been a few years since anyone has been here. Hope you are well. I am getting better every day! God has been working in my life for over 50 years but in the past year I have a new appreciation and awareness of that. “Abide in me and bear much fruit”. Most notably I have discovered fasting and feasting. Thanks for the list of firsts! Is Jezebel really the first to call for a fast? 1Kings 21:9?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi – Interested in your list of first. Jesusโ€™s first Miracle? Jesus turned the water into wine. When you learn about the Galilean weddings The Ketubah (engagement) – you find that the Bride and Groom establish their marriage covenant by sharing a cup of wine. What was Jesus doing in His first miracle – when He turned the water into wine ? He was announcing His Ministry here on earth. Jesus is the living water and His mission -to give His blood for the redemption of mankind. In the Ketubah the Groom gives the bride a contract laying down his obligations to the brides protection – Jesus came to lay down His life and offered protection and a life ever after for His Bride the Church. Just before His death at the last supper, Jesus took the cup of wine and announced – This is my blood given to you for your redemption of sin -It is the new covenant. Follow the steps of the Ketubah to The Huppa ( the wedding) and you will find every step is an analogy of Jesus Christ and His mission. The groom goes away to โ€œ prepare a house for his bride โ€œ. Jesus say I must go away – I will prepare a room in my fathers house and I will return again to receive you unto myself that where I am you will also be. Both the groom and Jesus return at a time unknown to the bride, she is to be ready at all times – both the groom and Jesus are told by the Father when to go and get their brides. Only those who are the bride of Jesus Christ will be raptured up to celebrate the 7years of the Marriage feast. The Jewish bride and groom celebrate their marriage for seven days. AMAZING – SO DEVINE. – Be ready Jesus is coming soon and we do not know the day or hours.
    Love you Jesus. Come Lord Jesus Come


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