Coffee Tuesday! β˜•

Teaser Tuesday: blog revamp and currently…

Yes, La Petit Muse is getting a facelift. 😁

Happy May Day!

Image result for gif will and grace

Hello, and welcome back to my blog. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting lately when it comes to many aspects of my life including this blog. I don’t want to go into a lot of details, but I am thinking of revamping La Petit Muse as early as 2019 be it God’s willing. I’ll be adding new categories and neglecting some of the old ones. I won’t say which ones at the moment.Β 

No, but I can divulge a few details at the moment.Β 

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Oh, alright! At the beginning of the year, I contemplated on bringing back Song Sunday (this month is a year since I haven’t updated it), but some of these songs these so-call Christian artists out here are singing do not entirely praise and focus on God. But I’ve made the decision to bring it back. I’ll be sharing songs that I love, discussing the intentions/meanings behind some songs and I used to write songs so I’ll be sharing some of mine as well. Also, the Origins series that I wanted to start at the beginning of this year is a go.

And that’s all I’ll be sharing for now. Now, to a small life update.Β 

Image result for gif life

Currently, I’m…

Watching… Criminal Minds! The 14th season kicked off with a bang although it feels like the finality of the show.Β 

Image result for gif criminal minds

Reading…Β The Women’s Murder Club series by James Patterson. I’m on the 12th book. I have no intention to write full reviews for the books, but I may talk about them at some point. I’m currently not in a book reviewing book mood anyway.Β 

Image result for james patterson women's murder club

Listening… to ‘Peace’ by Depeche Mode and ‘In Christ Alone’ by Brian Littrell. I have these songs on repeat always.Β 

Image result for gif listening to music

Making… graphics for my short stories and a display banner.Β 

Image result for gif canva

Feeling… the need for speed! Kidding! I’m feeling great!Β 

Image result for gif good mood jim carrey

Planning… future blog posts that involve blasts from the past! This is going to be good!

Image result for gif yugioh

Loving… a Web Toon call True Beauty. I accidentally came across it while searching for comics templates and I love it thus far! I’ll certainly talk about this story soon!

Image result for true beauty webtoon

Grateful for all of you! πŸ’™πŸ’™

Image result for gif will and grace

***GIFs & images via Google Search

39 thoughts on “Teaser Tuesday: blog revamp and currently…”

    1. Absolutely, Yvette and I look forward to those changes I’ll be hopefully making. Yeah, it didn’t last too long, but I hope to bring it back. πŸ˜„

      Liked by 1 person

      1. YASSS!! They’ve been toying with that boy’s emotions since season 1 whereas we’ve been hopeful for even a tiny bit of happiness for him. I hope they can do his character justice this season. I have a feeling that if this is indeed the end, the BAU might disband.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, at least you have something to look forward to whenever you get some time for yourself. πŸ˜„Thank you, Warren!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. So exciting to hear your ideas. I had no idea you used to write songs. That will be neat to see you share some of those.
    I still need to watch Criminal Minds. It’s on my to do someday list. I just watched “The Haunting of Hill House.” It is so rare that I find a horror movie that I enjoy even though that is my favorite genre. I was surprised to discover it was a series. I really enjoyed it, and I’m sad I’m done with it already. Mainly, because I know it will be quite a while before I find another horror movie that I like.
    Great post. I enjoyed all the bits and pieces of information.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Mandie! Yes, I used to write songs a very long time ago. Recently, I find myself writing songs again, but the lyrics come in pieces.

      Ah, no rush, whenever you get to it. All in good timing. Aww, I hope you find another show that you’ll like as much as THOHH soon.

      Thanks again and thanks for stopping by; I appreciate it. πŸ’™

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    1. Thank you! I can’t wait to introduce the new categories next year God’s willing! πŸ˜„


  2. I am excited to see all of these changes! Around fall I got so far behind on a lot of bloggers, and slowly I’ve been working my way back. I apologize for being so absent! I know you were talking a bit of break I believe. So I hope to catch up ❀ That web comic seems interesting!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, T.R.! Well, I’m so far behind that it’ll take me weeks to catch up on the blogs I follow as time is limited at the moment. I’m trying to read at least two posts per blogger at the moment. I trust that you’re well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Goodness, you may get burnt out depending on how many you’re trying to read. One thing I did was when I went on break I had to stop myself. There were certain bloggers I looked more at because they had posts that stood out to me. But I had a lot of relief starting clean then trying to catch up with everything. But if you’re only doing two posts per person, that’s not bad. Welcome back!!


  3. Oh goodness, forgot to add. I stopped my Song Sunday after a full year of doing it. I think it would be exciting if you brought yours back πŸ™‚ and I agree, not all music considered Christian is. I recently had a post talking about Christian music. Oh, the timing!

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