Blog Related

Welcome… to the revamp!🈴

*claps hands* Lights on, please!Β 

tc light off lights on



chΓ o mα»«ng

Ahlan wa Sahlan

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Things are going to be a whole lot different this year. I’ve been working on revamping the blog for a while now, gathering topics of interest and sitting on them wondering when it was going to be the right time to integrate them on the blog.

The time is now.

It’s more of a makeover than a total revamp. πŸ˜’

The tone is going to be serious overall. Things are going to be spoken of that some readers – especially Christians – may not like, but it needs to get out. I’ve been holding back, but this is not the time to be joking around. This is the time to be winning lost souls as the pending arrival date of our Savior gets nearer.

You have been warned. I won’t be holding back on whatever topic I’ll be delivering.

Image result for butterfly gif

Last year, I was given the word ‘peace’. When that was achieved at the end of 2018, I was given the word ‘restoration’ for this year and it seems like everywhere I turn, I am being reminded of it. I’m not perfect and I do backslide just when I wrongly think that I have it under control. Without God, I wouldn’t be perfect and during this year of restoration, I’m moving aside to let God enter the room.

Another thing you’ll be seeing a lot of are butterflies. Yes, butterflies. The butterfly represents hope, life, and transformation. I hope to become a new butterfly at the end of 2019 be it God’s willing that I live that long.

Where it concerns a new theme, I already looked at some and I narrowed it down to 3. I’ll also be playing around with some fonts.Β I created a few logos last year, but I discarded them. I’ll try to see what I can do with the ones I currently have.

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So, what has changed? Is book/movie reviews still going to be published? Is this the end of La Petit Muse as we know it? Maybe the government is reading this as I write?!

Image result for gif tom cruise james corden

Kidding! Just kidding!… Or am I? πŸ˜†

I plan to stick around for just a little while longer. I’ll be randomly posting topics as usual. There’s a change in schedule as well. Scripture of the Week and Devotional Nuggets will be kicking off the week on Sundays, as well as Song Sunday.Β 

Yes, that’s right! I’ll be introducing a few new categories in due time. I want to dedicate Tuesdays to trips and travels. I’ll likely share posts about T&T and possible places I’ll like to visit so we’ll be traveling via blogging! Some Wednesdays would be dedicated to writing and I’m still contemplating on Midweek Mystery at the moment. Another category I’ll be adding is Origins, a series I mentioned in January 2018 that I was interested in doing. It never took off, but I drafted some ideas last year, so hopefully, it’ll take off this year when the time is right.

Also, also, I want to start incorporating quotes at the beginning of my posts, but I’m still sitting on the fence with this one. I may eventually start incorporating more French in my posts as it’s a continuous learning process. Celebrity culture is going to be a recurring theme… you’ll see why soon.

Despite the fun topics, I’ll be focusing more on the Bible, our Creator and Savior, and end time events. Looking forward to flying with you this year.

Image result for Tom's Cruise on the River Thames Corden gif

***GIFs via Google Search

40 thoughts on “Welcome… to the revamp!🈴”

  1. As the saying goes, you do you. I love your Scripture of the Week, so I’m glad you’re doing more religious things! I’m really excited to see where your blog goes. Plus, I love butterflies too, so I’m not complaining.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel like it’s the first day of a new semester at college when the professor tells you everything you’ll be doing that semester and you wonder how you’ll accomplish all that. Haha Yeah, you just took my breath away. You are back in full swing. And thankfully that’s your blogging schedule and not mine. πŸ˜ƒ I love the butterflies in the background. I look forward to seeing everything you plan on doing. I’m going to go take a nap now, reading everything you have planned made me tired. Haha Just kidding, but I am excited for you. So many big things to come!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Things are a little slow, as I’m still trying to catch up on blogs. Thanks for all of the support! It means a lot to me. πŸ’™

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  3. What a wonderful way to get back into your blog!!! You have some amazing ideas! I look forward to what you come up πŸ™‚ I, too, a few months ago started to write on the end of times. I felt led to and I’m glad these topics give the Lord glory and help others draw closer to Him.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, T.R.! Although I love some of the ideas, I have to remember that I’m not in the driver seat. I’m still behind on blog catching up and I haven’t even got around to reading your other blog as yet. I hope to do so soon, though.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your support, Crystal! I’ve already worked on some of the new topics and I’m happy to report that the 3 you chose are already in rotation. πŸ˜„

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