Devotional Nuggets

Devotional Nugget #4: You. Are. Perfect!

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.

Genesis 1:31 

“Had I been as pretty as my sister!”

“I wish I had a bigger chest!”

“He is everything I wish I was!”

If you’re struggling to accept the way God made you, then you may have been influenced to think that you’re nothing special and not enough by Hollywood and media outlets whose focus are on worldly things. 

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We were created to worship, praise, and serve the Creator and not self. We are not perfect in ways for we all have sinned and fell short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23), but where it concerns that body He gave us, it is perfect as far as He is concerned for He knew us before we were born and called by our name (Jeremiah 1:5).

To alter, change, tweak, add to or take away from, is to destroy what God called “good” and to blame Him for not making us right.

God sees us a masterpiece (Psalm 139:14) and He focuses on what’s on the inside (1 Samuel 16:7). Accepting yourself the way God made you instead of how the world wants you to be is the best gift you can gift yourself as God never makes mistakes.


Today’s Reflection

God made us individually, yet, wonderfully, as part of His beautiful creation. Our body is not our own to do as we please for it is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we were brought at a price. We should always strive to honor God with our bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and to focus on His love.