#amwriting ✍, Ray & Marcus da Díxon 💙

The Promise of a Rainbow🌈

Short Story #28


“Papa, come quick!”

At the urgency in the voices of his twin toddlers, Ray immediately stopped icing the black coffee vanilla cupcakes and rushed over to them in the playpen that was positioned by the window. They were directing his gaze outside of the window with frantic pointing and worried chubby faces.

“Something wrong with the sky!” the twins echo in unison as they point out the window. “Look, Papa!”

Ray looked and smiled. “Nothing’s wrong with the sky, mes amours. It’s only a rainbow.”

Image result for rainbow in sky gif

The twins scrunched their adorable little faces at their ever-patient father.

Ray heartily laughs.

Marcus playfully nudged his sister-in-law. “I bet you a box of the finest Belgian chocolates that he’s going to give the babies a scientific explanation. Ça te dit?

Diana looked at Marcus and then at her husband who was gathering the twins in his arms. “He’s going to tell them a story, but you’re on!”

“A rainbow is a multicolored arc in the sky. It’s one of creation’s most splendid masterpieces all thanks to God.” Ray explained to the babies. “See, people were very wicked and refused to obey God; it displeased Him. However, one man found grace in God’s eyes: Noah. Had it not been for him, the world probably wouldn’t have existed today.”

Ashley tilts her head sideways to look at her father. “Vraiment?”

“Vraiment,” Ray clarifies. “After Noah followed God’s instructions in building an ark, a great flood came and cleansed the earth removing evil-minded mankind. After Noah and family left the ark, a multi-colored curved bow appeared in the sky symbolizing God’s covenant He made with Noah as He promised to never destroy the world in such a way again.

“It’s a beautiful promise. How many colors do you see?”

As Ray occupied the babies, Diana turns to a smiling Marcus. “I know you got lost in the story, but you owe me a box of the finest Belgian chocolate known to man.”

The smile quickly morphed into a sourish scowl. “Ray, couldn’t you have given the babies a scientific explanation and leave it at that?” Marcus picks up one of his twin’s signature cupcake and starts walking away. “Now I owe your wife chocolates! Chocolates, Ray! C’est ouf!”

Ray’s infectious laughter fill the room causing his wife to join in.

French terms used:

* mes amours – my loves

* Ça te dit – up for it?

* vraiment – really

* C’est ouf – it’s crazy

All grammatical errors are mine.

Inspired scripture: 

Three places to study the meaning of a rainbow or what some of the colors may symbolize are found in Genesis, Ezekiel, and Revelation.

On another note, I’ll be sharing more stories, trains of thoughts, ideas, really short stories, etc. in the near future. I may post a lot of stories on Tuesdays. Most, if not all of the stories are Biblically-based and I want to start incorporating French in many of them.

Related image

***GIFs/Images that don’t belong to LPM are via Google Search (Right-click for original source)


33 thoughts on “The Promise of a Rainbow🌈”

      1. Making me googol stuff lol. LORD willing you will. I Will eagerly read them. I wanted to say too, I love your, what I consider “Book” review of the Bible. It makes me very happy 🙂 I know it takes a lot of effort on your part, and it is greatly appreciated 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Haha! Don’t worry, I got your back so you won’t have to googol stuff. 😄 Thank you always for the wonderful support, me dearest! And thank you for the encouragement; all glory to God for if not for Him, I wouldn’t have gotten any of it done.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Thank you for this Diana! Your optimism is such a breath of fresh air in these dark and sometimes bleak seeming times. I love that you are using French. I used to study it as a second langauge and it is very beautiful!
    God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the beautiful comment! I am happy that you enjoyed the story. All glory to God for He’s the one behind it. 😄 Yes, it’s such a beautiful language! I hope to be fluent one day. Thank you once again and may God bless you. 💙


  2. I only have one question. Where can I find one of those black coffee vanilla cupcakes? 😃
    I really love how you incorporated a story from the Bible and French into your story. And the ending made me laugh. “Now I owe your wife chocolates! Chocolates, Ray! C’est ouf!” 😂
    On a separate note, you must have comments turned off on some of your posts, or perhaps it’s a problem on my end, but I read several posts this morning that I couldn’t comment on.
    And when you decide to stop blogging, I hope you’ll stop by my site sometimes to say hi and let me know what you’re up to. I don’t want to make more work for you, but it’d be nice to stay in touch, even if it is sporadically. Or maybe we can connect on social media. Something. 🙂
    And I’m relieved that while I was away, I didn’t miss any of the birds on the A-Z challenge. Or at least, I’m pretty sure I didn’t. You’ll have to point me in the right direction if I did. Have a beautiful day, friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! That makes you and me both! Ray is an outstanding chef so I tend to make food up sometimes. One day, I might just try making a batch. 😄Thank you, Mandie! I’m happy that you enjoyed the story! I wanted the ending to end in a funny quip from Marcus.

      Yes, I’ve been turning off comments for some posts for time is limited on this end. I don’t have the time as before to spend on WP. Don’t worry, I’ll pop in! The only social media platform I’m on right now is Instagram.

      No, you didn’t miss any of the birds at all. I recently told my friend I had forgotten all about the challenge. Hopefully, I’ll be back on track soon. Thank you for checking in with me; I appreciate it. Thank you and may your day be spent wonderfully! 💙

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I like how you told a charming story to explain the meaning of a rainbow. I also like the incorporation of French words–I studied French in high school and college, so whenever I come across it in written works, I like seeing what I still remember of it (I have to go back to my French language CDs)! Thanks always for sharing Diana 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, my friend! I’m currently relearning French so I’m trying to incorporate it into my every day use so I won’t neglect what I’ve learned. I’m sure your French is still good. Thanks again and I pray you to have a blessed new week in Jesus’ Name! 💙

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