Challenges/Tags/Fun Stuff

Share your world for week of March 26th

It’s been a while since I’ve done Cee’s Share Your World ChallengeI miss participating so let’s do this!

What is your favorite color of hair? You can name your hair color or a color that you just like.

Well, my hair is black, but reddish at the back. I tend to love the natural hair color and on the topic of hair, I think MGG and Edinson Cavani has the best hair in the world.

Image result for my heart beats football hair Image result for edinson cavani hair

Their hair is top notch! 👍

List at least 5 things that you are good at.

1. Reading. I read all kinds of material for I like to keep the mind engaged.

2. Writing. I love creating stories, but lately, writing has taken a backseat.

3. Creating book covers, posters, flyers… I’ll share my latest designs sometime.

4. Listening. Sometimes all someone need is an ear and I like lending one. 

5. Adapting quickly no matter the environment.

Image result for gif creativity

What is your favorite animal or type of animal? (pets, dolphins, stuffed, wild cats, etc)

My heart belongs to dogs, but I also like cats, dolphins, eagles, penguins, and zebras.

Image result for gif dolphin

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week? 

Image result for learning french quotes

***GIFs and pictures via Google Search


12 thoughts on “Share your world for week of March 26th”

  1. Dolphins! They are the cutest creatures…and the sounds they make are precious! Though I agree, dogs are the best (I sit here writing this with my golden retriever by my side, and I’m pretty sure she would kill me if I said I preferred dolphins over her). Great post, as always!

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