365 Days of Writing

Daily Prompt catch-up: August 12th-14th


August 12th: Lifeline

You’re on a long flight, and a palm reader sitting next to you insists she reads your palm. You hesitate but agree. What does she tell you?

Of course, I am going to hesitate, ain’t nobody reading my palm because I don’t believe in palm reading. That’s what I have God for.

August 13th: Drawing the line

Can anything be funny, or are some things off limits?

When it comes to making jokes, I think it is important to know what is appropriate and what is not. You don’t want to go on stage and be making insensitive jokes about terrorist attacks and I disagree with people who said that rape is funny. When is it ever a good moment to joke about rape?

Image result for gif tom cruise serious

August 14th: Mirror, mirror, on the wall

Think of your blog as a mirror: what does it reveal? Consider your blog name, theme choice, design, bio, posts… what does every element tell you about yourself?

Well, La Petit Muse is a reflection of me where it concerns my spiritual life, passion for writing, what I watch etc., and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The only thing that I am trying to work on is a new theme and signature (for the past 4 months or so. I know. I know. I am pretty lazy.) 

petitmuse logo official

7 thoughts on “Daily Prompt catch-up: August 12th-14th”

  1. “Well, La Petit Muse is a reflection of me where it concerns my spiritual life, passion for writing, what I watch etc., and I wouldn’t have it any other way. ”

    Absolutely ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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