365 Days of Writing

July 27th: From A to Z


Create a short story, piece of memoir, or epic poem that is 26 sentences long, in which the first sentence begins with “A” and each sentence thereafter begins with the next letter of the alphabet.

Ooh, a challenge! I think they call this “Abecedarian”. I’m really not feeling this at the moment, but I’ll let the fingers do the talking…

A (true) friend
Brings a smile to your face when down
Calls out of the blue just to say hello
Doesn’t berate you
Enthusiastically looks forward to meeting after so long
Fills you with joy and happiness
Greets you with a hug or a kiss or both
Has your back
Invites you over for lunch/dinner
Just listen
Knocks some sense into you
Loves you unconditionally
Motivates you when you can’t go on
Never talk behind your back
Openly accepts you
Pays attention to what you’re saying even if it’s just rambling
Qualifies as a rock when you need someone to lean on
Runs to you when they need advice
Still your fears
Trusts you
Understands you
Values your opinion
Walks with you
Xenoglossy with you.
Yaps into the late night
Zaps you when you need a reality check.

Xenoglossy is the ability to speak a language that one has apparently never learned. I love the word and thought I’d sneak it in there, but now, I’m not so sure! 🙂

Image result for gif friend

GIF via Google Search

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