Devotion 💙

“I will put God out of my mind and…”

There are times when we want to put aside our Christianity and give people a piece of our mind when they try us at our most vulnerable.

I have a short testimony to share concerning this topic.

Image result for testimony

A few months ago, I had to receive some clothing from my seamstress. Whenever I called, I couldn’t get through to her phone because it either rang until it went to voicemail or it was turned off. I had enough and one evening, I went to her shop unexpected prepared to tell her off about her unprofessionalism, but she had a story to tell and I decide to put aside my foul demeanor and listen to what she had to say. It appeared that her sister was sick and she was caring for her thus not being able to get work done in time. 

Had I only blew her up before she had explained what was going on in her life despite her unprofessionalism, I would’ve felt bad because her sister ended up passing a month or so later.

I learned long ago that no matter how many times I may get mad, expressing anger is never the key, although I’ve come close many times in unleashing total wrath. People tend to try us when we’re at our lowest. They can be family, friends or co-workers, but we should always strive to handle the situation with grace.

Now, I have learned to step away from the situation before I do irrational things. I pray, I read a scripture or put on some spiritual music. It’s hard, yes, but if we are to be like Jesus, we have to approach situations with a patient and calm demeanor leaning onto God as our crutch.

Image result for verse on remaining calm/anger

***Images via Google Search

11 thoughts on ““I will put God out of my mind and…””

    1. I always try to think before I say anything, but sometimes, it can be so hard especially when the person/situation is infuriating. I now walk it out.

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    1. I hope you’ll achieve this one day. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read and comment. 🙂


  1. So true! These opportunities are given to us to help our faith grow, our dependence on the Lord, to show the compassion and love for others that Christ first showed us (& continues to show us everyday). May we be found worthy.

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